Showing posts with label SharePoint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SharePoint. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Introducing SharePoint Package Manager


Half a year ago, I announced – in this post – the forthcoming release of a new secret weapon.  I apologize for the delay, but I entertained myself doing other things and I couldn't find a way to spend a couple of days on formulating it.

I could even tell you: ‘I had no time to do it’, but I learned the lesson – maybe I'm still learning – from my father. He always insisted me: ‘Alex, the time is the same’. So, what actually happened was a matter of time management and prioritization.

The true is, I also expected that something like this already exists at this time, but it doesn’t. So, I recalled this, wrote the minimal working code, push the sources and here it is.

What is SharePoint Package Manager? 

SharePoint Package Manager
The SharePoint Package Manager is a NuGet-based distribution and deployment system for SharePoint's solutions.

Basically, it's an extension of the SharePoint Central Administration site that automates the process for install or update solution packages from package sources (regular NuGet repositories).

Why NuGet?

Why not? NuGet is the widely accepted and popular package manager among .net developers.

There are also a lot of custom solutions and initiatives that use NuGet as the backend, for instance, ReSharper extension manager, OctopusDeploy, Chocolatey, Squirrel, you know, even Catel extending the modularity options of Prism.

There are only a few rules in order to use this package manager, starting with this 'new' concept: solution package.

What is a solution package?

A solution package is a regular NuGet package with its name ending in '.wsp' and with following structure:
A sample of solution package for SignalR.
Notice how the folder 'content' contains a wsp file with the same name of the solution package and that’s it.

A solution package can also have declared dependencies, but only between solution packages.

Maybe the naming convention looks weak, but there is only one package in the gallery with name Digst.OioIdws.Wsp, so, for me, is enough. Eventually, the package manager could also track non-solution packages through an ignore list.
Solution packages from NuGet Gallery. The Digst.OioIdws.Wsp isn't a solution package.

Managing package sources

The SharePoint Package Manager includes a page to manage the package source. You are able to add, remove, edit, enable or disable a package source.

Creating a new package source

The default package source is the NuGet Gallery.

Installing or updating solution packages

The SharePoint Package Manager also includes a page to manage the farm packages. Looking for the installed solutions in the SharePoint solution storage and making a join with available solution packages from the package sources, the page shows the available solution packages to install or update.

Managing the farm packages
Sorry about the name of the solution package in Spanish on the image above but was client choice and the picture was taken from real life scenario.

The SharePoint Package Manager provides an option to install or update solution packages. After clicking the button – on the right of the solution package info – the system will schedule a job to install or update the last available version of the selected solution package. If the selected package has dependencies, the package manager will also install or update all dependencies in the right order.

Tracking the install or update process.

What's next?

This is almost a draft or a proof of concept, remember just the minimal working code. So, you can try. I also published the SignalR.SharePoint.WSP solution package at NuGet gallery, so, you should see it as an available solution package.

Enjoy it, and let me know what you think. Even better, we can do this together, just fork the source on GitHub. There are a lot of things to do, including better user interface, REST services, a better approach for settings storage, ignore list, performance issues, msbuild extension, Visual Studio extension, and so on. You tell me.

In the meantime, I’m already working to turn more Catel’s rumors in true.

Talking about rumors, if everything goes right, I might update my resume in about seven months. Yes, your assumption is correct, I'm a father candidate ;).

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Simplest way to implement a state machine approach for SharePoint list items


As you can read in WikipediaA finite-state machine (FSM) or finite-state automaton (plural: automata), or simply a state machine, is a mathematical model of computation used to design both computer programs and sequential logic circuits. It is conceived as an abstract machine that can be in one of a finite number of states. The machine is in only one state at a time; the state it is in at any given time is called the current state. It can change from one state to another when initiated by a triggering event or condition; this is called a transition. A particular FSM is defined by a list of its states, and the triggering condition for each transition.

SharePoint developers frequently face to state machine problems and the typical solution includes a workflow implementation. Actually, SharePoint includes default workflows for common scenarios, for instance Approval (route a document or item for approval or rejection), Collect Feedback (route a document or item for feedback), Collect Signatures (route a document, workbook, or form for digital signatures), Three-State (track an issue, project, or task through three states or phases) and Publishing Approval (automate content routing for review and approval) workflows.

But sometimes such workflows doesn’t fit exactly to your scenario or worse, the workflow usage is just an overkill.

Next, I’ll introduce you a clean state machine (also personal) approach to handling state transitions of SharePoint list items without workflows.

Event receivers as workflows alternative

As you should suppose the only way implement this is by using event receivers (a.k.a. event handlers) instead workflows. But how make a clean solution event handler based to implement a state machine. 

Allow me show you how the final code looks like for a customized publication process based on this approach:

[StateMachine("State", typeof(PublicationRequestStateMachineValidator))]
public sealed class PublicationRequestStateMachineItemEventReceiver : StateMachineItemEventReceiverBase
 private void OnApproved(SPItemEventProperties properties)

 private void OnRejected(SPItemEventProperties properties)

 private void OnReadyToBePublished(SPItemEventProperties properties)

 private void OnReadyToBeUnpublished(SPItemEventProperties properties)

Notice the introduction of a few new classes:
  • StateMachineAttribute: To indicate the column to be monitored and its validator class. The example above indicates that the column name is "State" and the validator class  is typeof(PublicationRequestStateMachineValidator). 
  • StateAttribute: To indicate the event method that will be called when the state change to the specified value. For instance, the usage of [State("Approved")] means that the method OnApproved will be called when the item change to  the "Approved" state.
  • StateMachineItemEventReceiverBase: Implements the base behavior of the state machine (invokes the validation to avoid not allowed transitions also call the event methods).
To make this work properly you must register you state machine item event receiver on the list that you want to monitor for state change. This must be done via RegisterEventReceiverIfRequired extension method for SPList. This method not only registers the event receiver the list, it also adds a custom column to the list to implement the change detection approach whether the event receiver inherits from StateMachineItemEventReceiverBase. 

This could be done with the follow code in a feature activation for instance.

publicationRequestList.RegisterEventReceiverIfRequired(SPEventReceiverType.ItemUpdating, typeof(PublicationRequestStateMachineItemEventReceiver).Assembly.FullName, typeof(PublicationRequestStateMachineItemEventReceiver).FullName);
publicationRequestList.RegisterEventReceiverIfRequired(SPEventReceiverType.ItemUpdated, typeof(PublicationRequestStateMachineItemEventReceiver).Assembly.FullName, typeof(PublicationRequestStateMachineItemEventReceiver).FullName);

How validate state transitions?

Support transition validation is also a cool feature of this library. In order to validate the transition, you can inherit from StateMachineValidator class and type your own. Our custom publication request example the state machine validator looks like this:

public sealed class PublicationRequestStateMachineValidator : StateMachineValidator<string>
        public PublicationRequestStateMachineValidator()
            this.AddAllowedTransition("WaitingForApproval", "Approved");
            this.AddAllowedTransition("WaitingForApproval", "Rejected");
            this.AddAllowedTransition("Approved", "ReadyToBePublished");
            this.AddAllowedTransition("ReadyToBePublished", "Published");
            this.AddAllowedTransition("Published", "ReadyToBeUnpublished");
            this.AddAllowedTransition("ReadyToBeUnpublished", "Unpublished");

Now if someone tries to change the state from WaitingForApproval to Published - for instance - the change will be reverted automatically.

This is also useful to enable or disable some actions. Here are couple of pictures that depicts the enable state of the ribbon button depends on an allowed transition validation implemented in javascript in combination with a REST service.

Example A: Enabled because transitions are allowed
Example B: Disabled because transitions are not allowed


This post is an introduction to the new StateMachine.SharePoint library. This library allows you simplify the implementation of a state machine based approach to monitor and validate the states of SharePoint list items.

For now, you can build this library from its sources and deploy directly into your SharePoint farm or wait for the "top secret" weapon and forthcoming project PackageManager.SharePoint  ;)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How setup SharePoint web application to write SignalR based application pages?

There are few steps to enable SignalR into a web application. But how do this for a SharePoint based web application? 

The goal of this post is provide you a SharePoint deployment package to is automate such steps for a SharePoint web application.

The only thing you have to do is:

2) Install the SignalR distributed assemblies the web application bin directory from Powershell console:

>Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
>Add-SPSolution (Resolve-Path .\SignalR.SharePoint.wsp)
>Install-SPSolution SignalR.SharePoint.wsp -WebApplication $WebAppUrl -GACDeployment -FullTrustBinDeployment -Force

3) Enable [SignalR SharePoint Configuration Feature] - in the web application scope - in order to modify the web.config for run-time assembly binding redirection, set legacyCasModel to false (allow dynamic calls) and set the owin:AutomaticAppStartup application setting key to false.

   <trust level="Full" originUrl="" legacyCasModel="false" />
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Owin.Security" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Owin" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
        <assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    <add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="false" />

4) Create and deploy your hub based assembly into the web application. The easy way to do this is by writing the hub in a SharePoint based project and set the “Assembly Deployment Target” to WebApplication. You can also try with this simple chat example by deploying it into your web application.

5) Enable the [SignalR SharePoint Enable AutomaticAppStartup Feature] - in the web application scope - in order turn the owin:AutomaticAppStartup application setting key to true.

    <add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="true" />

6) Just open your browser and navigates to the application page. If you deployed the chat example, you can try with %WebApplicationUrl%/_layouts/15/_layouts/15/SignalR.SharePoint.Demo/Chat.aspx application page.

X-ray StoneAssemblies.MassAuth with NDepend

Introduction A long time ago, I wrote this post  Why should you start using NDepend?  which I consider as the best post I have ever...